Top 11 Amazing Health Benefits Of Echinacea Plant & Tea

What are Benefits of Echinacea Plant?

Echinacea is a plant that is very popular especially in America. Echinacea, originally discovered by Native Americans, has been used as a cure in medical sense for nearly 400 years.

Echinacea plant has a wide range of benefits ranging from immune enhancing effects to relieving headaches and treating infections.

Echinacea, usually grown mostly in central part of North America, is a multi-year plant. This is the most important characteristic of cone-shaped flower, which can be brown, purple or pink on long body of plant.

It is collected from wild nature of echinacea, regarded as part of family of aster or daisy (daisy). Echinacea is also considered a extinct plant.

Unlike antibiotics that attack bacteria directly, these purple taper flowers make immune cells more efficient against bacteria, viruses and attacks to abnormal cells, including cancer cells.

These include increasing number and activity of echinacea immune system cells, including anti-tumor cells, promoting T-cell activation, and enabling new tissue growth for wound healing.

It is also very effective to reduce inflammation caused by arthritis and inflammatory skin diseases.


The Health Benefits of Echinacea

• It Strengthens Immune System: This plants have high antioxidant properties, so-called active substances.

These antioxidants are very useful for normal body functions. On the other hand, it strengthens immune system due to alkamid elements.

It helps to increase the body’s resistance to common infections and diseases. Echinacea can easily help to increase production by protecting cells from bacterial and viral infections.

• Protects Body Against Diseases: It stimulates cells of body’s defense mechanism and supports them to fight serious health problems.

It is therefore recommended for prevention of conditions such as cancer and kidney failure. It also has ability to be anti-tumor, T-cell activation and increase growth of healthy cells.

• It cures inflammations: It has proven to be effective in reducing pain, which is a common effect of inflammation and irritation because of contains active chemical components.

The most frequently recommended echinacea for joint pain is usually preferred for skin inflammations.

• Good for Respiratory Tract: Anti-inflammatory capacity of echinacea goes up to improve respiratory tract. For this reason, regular consumption of echinacea can help to heal faster for patients suffering from disorders such as bronchitis. It also provides good support for disease by reducing irritation of respiratory tract and mucus accumulation.

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• Treats Recurrent Infections: Worst and the most annoying part of disease is tendency to recur. For example, a person who has had an ear infection once can live more than once during his or her life. In this case, echinacea may help to activate immune system against recurrent infection. The use of echinacea for repetitive infectious conditions can affect progressively lowering situation.

• Helps to Relieve Pain: It has been used since ancient times to reduce pain in various conditions for pain relief purposes. Although there is insufficient evidence, echinacea tea can help relieve headaches, herpes, stomach pain, sore throat, toothache and skin infection associated with.

It is possible to make tea from ekinezyadan to calm pains and make plant dough and apply directly to affected area.

• Helps to Skin Health: Very beneficial for skin because of contains natural antioxidants. Help to rejuvenate tired skin cells, as well as bee stings, eczema, psoriasis and skin infection to cope with a traditional treatment is also used.

At the same time, can be applied topical when is made into a paste and can help accelerate healing of wound.

• Helps to Relax Mentally: Like many other natural plants, echinacea can also be very useful for relieving symptoms of stress and anxiety. Especially teas prepared with echinacea can be effective to relieve emotional problems.

• Cures Constipation: If you experience constipation, echinacea can help by showing a natural laxative effect. One of the most ways to obtain laxative property is to consume tea. Natural echinacea tea, which is consumed every day, can make bowel mobility faster and safer. Long-term consumption is not recommended and should be supported with plenty of water in case of consumption.


Benefits Of Echinacea Tea

Echinacea tea is a nourishing herbal infusion. It is mostly prepared from dried roots, flowers, leaves and extracts by using different kinds of echinacea plant found in North and East America.

  • It has a soft, balanced taste; has a sharp, fresh aroma with pale-greenish yellow or brown-yellow color.
  • It is an excellent method to increase immune system.
  • Enables regeneration of T cells by activating T cells and promotes production of interferons of known antibodies with ability to block viral infection.
  • It struggles with viruses, bacteria and fungus especially during harsh and stressful winter seasons.
  • Increases displacement of leukocytes in acute infection regions, thus accelerating healing process.
  • This tea can be used for treatment of ear infection, hay fever, asthma, sinusitis, sore throat, bronchial infection and laryngitis.
  • If you mix echinacea tea with other herbs like ginger and cinnamon, you can both strengthen your voice and benefit from healing effect as mouth spray.
  • It is good for urinary tract infections.
  • Helps to remove liver, kidney, lymphatic system and glands.
  • You can use for treatment of throat infection, swollen lymph gland, prostate problems and tonsillitis.
  • It has good antiviral and antioxidant properties.
  • It helps by re-energizing to stimulate your body in times of stress.
  • It supports treatment of diseases such as syphilis, fever, hemorrhoids, diphtheria and cancer.
  • It is also good for pain caused by arthritis and muscle inflammation.

External Use of Echinacea Tea

~ If you suffer from diseases such as eczema, psoriasis and urticaria, echinacea tea will help.

~ If you suffer from abscess, acne, blemishes and cysts, echinacea tea will provide relief.

~ By taking advantage of antioxidant properties of tea, you can prevent skin wrinkles and delay aging.

~ You can mix valerian and echinacea roots together and use as tincture for redness and itching in skin. This method will both fight infection and provide relief.


Damages of Echinacea

x Consumption by mouth in short term is considered safe for most people. It can be used up to 10 days in various liquid and solid forms.

Some sources say that use of echinacea is safe for up to 6 months (A. Vogel Bioforce AG, Switzerland).

There is insufficient information about whether echinacea is safe for use as an injection.

Some side effects have been reported as fever, nausea, vomiting, unpleasant taste, stomach pain, diarrhea, sore throat, dry mouth, headache, tongue, dizziness, insomnia, disorientation, numbness, joint and muscle pains.

x  It should not be given to children, mothers, and adults who are allergic to plants such as echinacea rubies, velvety flowers, or chamomile. In this case, allergic reactions can cause.

Consumption Of Children: In the short term consumption of children by mouth is probably considered safe. The age limit is 2-11 years. However, about 7% of children, such as redness caused allergic reactions.

In some children, these reactions can be more severe. Therefore, it is not recommended to give echinacea to children under 12 years of age unless approved by health care providers.

Pregnancy: Echinacea consumed by mouth in the short term is probably safe. However, is recommended to take in the first 3 months against possibility of damaging fetus. This is the best option to avoid use to stay on safe side.

Breastfeeding Period: If you are in period of breastfeeding, there is not enough information about safe use of echinacea during this period. Therefore, is useful to avoid consumption to stay in safe zone.

Hereditary Allergy Tendency: In this case, echinacea is likely to cause an allergic reaction. If you are allergic, do not consume echinacea.

Plantshospital.Com Recommendations

For Adults: When you add a tincture of echinacea into a glass of water, you can consume it 4 times a day. Capsule 2 times a day; You can drink tea made from dried echinacea up to 4 times a day.

For Children: It should be half of dosages used for adults.

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