Top 10 Natural Foods to Beautify Your Skin (10 Super Foods)

In addition to providing natural shine to the skin, some foods prevent wrinkles and other signs of aging as well as protect against the harmful rays of the sun. Here are nutrients we have prepared for you that beautify the skin to have beautiful skin and benefits. Let’s Read Top 10 natural foods to beautify your skin.

We all want to be able to have healthy, shiny and beautiful skin without expensive beauty products, don’t we? For this reason, what you eat and what you do not eat is an important issue other than natural skin care suggestions that should be applied to the skin.

When a healthy eating habit is not developed, you can’t actually get the perfect result you want from any of the skin care products you will apply from outside.

You can also nourish your skin with healthy foods that you will consume, making it smooth with a natural glow. These foods, of course, will not only add health to the skin but also have a very good effect on your overall body health.


Top 10 Natural Foods to Beautify Your Skin

1. Oily Fish

Salmon comes to mind first, of course, when it’s called oily fish. Besides salmon, mackerel, trout, sardines should not be forgotten. These oily fish carry rich omega-3 fatty acids, as well as DHA, which is an anti-inflammatory, and vitamin D.

All of these protect us against cancer diseases and are of great importance to our brain, heart and bone health. For the skin, it is an important building block that fights wrinkles and acne. On the other hand, it has a powerful effect that moisturizes from inside to skin.

2. Walnut

Just like salmon, it’s one of the foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, walnuts. Omega-3 fatty acids are responsible for hydrating skin, not losing elasticity, and especially for skin configuration. If the body lacks these fatty acids, skin may dry, easily irritated, or black-and-white spots may occur on the skin.

Because our body cannot produce these fats itself, we need to take them from outside with foods such as walnuts or salmon.

If you don’t like eating fish, you can add a few walnuts to your meals and take the necessary supplements. You can add walnuts to your breakfast, put them in salads or eat them as a decant meal so that your skin looks younger.

3. Beans

Beans are not only a store of protein and fiber, they are also a complete store of zinc. The most important answer to the question of why zinc is important for our skin health is actually acne. The most important reason for the formation of acne is often zinc deficiency.

Because zinc controls the hormones that produce oil and acne that cause problems in our skin.
If you say what foods zinc is found in other than beans, we can count pumpkin seeds, ginger, walnuts, oats, and eggs.

4. Olive Oil

In fact, many great benefits come from small food such as olivesOlive oil, which is consumed as much as the body needs in a healthy diet, will ensure that the skin is smooth, supple and hydrated from the inside.

In fact, thanks to all these effects, it prevents skin dryness, prevents tissue deterioration and reduces the redness of the skin.


5. Seeds

As much as vitamin D is gained by the sun in summer, it also needs to be protected from the harmful rays of the sun (which is actually true for all seasons but is high in summer).

Here, the most important antioxidant that protects the skin from these harmful effects of the sun is vitamin E, which is also found in foods such as wheat seed. skincare

It is also an excellent source for preventing inflammation that causes acne. Besides the wheat seed, almonds, sunflower seeds, avocado, and cabbage also contain vitamin E.

6. Orange Foods

Beta-carotene, a vitamin A precursor, is essential to keep your skin smooth, soft, and regenerate skin cells. Carrots, dried apricots, melons, red peppers, and zucchini, which are rich sources of vitamin A, can be said to be indispensable for meals.

Vitamin A not only regulates the repair and maintenance of the skin but also strengthens the immune system. If enough vitamin A is not taken, flakes can be seen on the skin, especially acne problems.

7. Citrus, Pepper, Broccoli, Strawberries, And Kiwi

Vitamin E is just as important for the skin as vitamin C. Because vitamins C and E together protect skin from the sun’s rays. Studies have shown that those who consume foods rich in vitamin C have more flexible skin, fewer wrinkles.

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that fights free radicals that damage cells and cause collagen degradation.

Collagen prevents fine lines that occur with age just as allows your skin to maintain elasticity. Vitamin C is essential for our diet to prevent all this. For example, by consuming 1 kiwi a day, you meet 120% of your vitamin C needs.

8. Tomato

It is understood that lycopene in tomato protects against sun rays and sunburns. In particular, there is more lycopene in cooked tomatoes than in fresh tomatoes, such as tomato sauce, tomato paste.

9. Green Tea

Green tea contains catechins that accelerate blood flow and increase oxygen flow to the skin. It provides a more flexible skin. Consuming 2 cups of green tea during the day is perfect for both your skin health and your overall health.

Editor’s Pick:

10. Soybean

If you want a saviour for your skin, you should consume almost every form of soy. Because soy is a miraculous food for skin that prevents acne. Chemicals like estragon in soy can prevent the formation of acne. In addition to these, it contains plenty of vitamin E, so it is very important for the formation of new cells and moisturizing of the skin.

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